General Settings Module

General Settings Module Documentation

hope dion

Last Update 4 maanden geleden

This module is located at the sidebar of the vendor page here are the lists of submodules underneath the general settings

- Page settings

- Global footer settings

- Site identity settings

- Basic settings

- Color settings

- Typography settings

- SEO settings

- Payment settings

- Third-party script

- Email Settings

- Custom CSS

- Custom JS

- Cache settings 

Page Settings Submodule

It is responsible for assigning and automatically filling dynamic content into pages that have already been created. The following are examples of content that can be automatically filled:

a. Home Page

b. Blog page

c. Shop Page

d. Order Track Page

How to assign Default page content to a page

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard

2. Navigate to the “General Settings” module. and click on the page settings submodule

3. Click on the page field you want each of those page contents stated on the header to display.

4. After clicking on the page content fields, choose the page where you want the content to appear, and then click on “Update changes”.

Global Footer Settings Submodule

This is a submodule under the general settings, and it is responsible for the themes/interface of your footer globally. Here are the steps for switching themes:

How to switch global footer themes

1. Log in to the vendor page,

2. In the sidebar, click on the "General Settings" tab

3. Click on the "Global Footer Settings" option.

4. Select your desired interface and click on "Update Changes button."

5. A notification stating "Settings saved" will appear if the changes were successful.

Site Identity Submodule

It is the location where your brand logo is added so that it can be displayed globally across the platform.

How to set your website display logo/identity

1. On the main vendor page, in the sidebar, click on the "General Settings" link. Then, click on the "Site Identity" tab , which is located under the "General Settings" section.

2. You are now authorized to modify, remove, or save your changes of the image inserted.

The Basic Settings submodule

The basic settings are where you can perform the following tasks:

- Input the store title (Site Title)

- Input Site Tag Line

- Input Footer Copyright Text

- Set timezone (Select Timezone)

- Input Rate Per Mile

- Set Bing Maps API Key

- Set Here API Key

- Set Country

- Set Address

- Input vendor’s latitude/Longitude (Tenant Latitude/Tenant Longitude)

- Enable/Disable dark mode for vendor panel (Enable/Disable Dark Mode For Admin Panel)

- Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode

- Show/Hide Language Selector In Frontend

- Show/Hide Guest Order System

- Enable/Disable User Email Verify

- Insert Placeholder images


1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

How To Input Site Title

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. You get redirected to a new page displaying a list of fields

5. Edit the site title field

6. Click on the Save Changes button once completed.

How To Input Footer Copyright Text

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. Update the “footer Copyright Text” input field

5. Click on save changes below the forms .

How To Set Country Timezone

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. You are redirected to the Basic settings page, where you can click on the "Select Timezone" tab to select your country timezone.

5. click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

How to Input Rate-per-mile Configurations

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. You are redirected to the Basic settings page, where you can click on the “Rate Per Mile” field.

5. click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved.

How To Set Up your store’s Address/Location

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. Here are the required fields concerning address and location of your store

● Country

● Address

● Tenant Latitude

● Tenant Longitude

5. Once these field are filled you click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

How To Enable/Disable The Admin Panel Dark mode

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. Navigate down and see the button to “enable/disable dark mode for admin Panel”

5. Once you click on the buttons you can click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

How to Enable/ disable Maintenance mode.

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. Navigate down and see the button to “enable/disable Maintenance Mode”

5. Once you click on the buttons you can click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

How To Show/Hide Language Selector In Client Side

1. Login to the vendor’s dashboard.

2. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

3. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

4. Navigate down and see the button to “Show/Hide Language selector in Frontend”.

5. Once you click on the buttons you can click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

How To Show or Hide the guest order system

To show or hide the guest order system, you can follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

2. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

3. Under "Show/hide Guest Orders system," toggle the switch to "On" or "Off."

4. Click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved .

Note: if you hide the guest order system, guests will not be able to Trace orders on your website. If you need to allow guests to trace their respective orders, you will need to turn the system back on.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

● To show guest orders You can set up a separate page for guest orders at the page tab on the sidebar of the vendor’s dashboard

● After setting up then assign guest orders at the page settings so that the guest order content will reflect on the page

Enable/Disable User Email Verify

In case you want your customers to enable/disable email verification after sign up here are the following steps:

1. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

2. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.


4. Under "Disable/Enable User Email Verify" toggle the switch to "On" or "Off."

5. Click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved.

How to insert placeholder images

They are images that are used to represent a missing or unavailable image. They are frequently used in websites and presentations when the final image is not yet ready. Placeholder images are typically simple images that are not visually distracting, such as a grayscale image or a text placeholder. They can be used to prevent empty spaces on a website or presentation from looking unprofessional.

To inset these image follow these steps

1. Navigate to the sidebar and Click on the "General Settings" link.

2. Click on the "Basic Settings" tab, which is located under the "General Settings" section.

3. Navigate to the bottom of the redirected pages and you’ll see placeholder Image Click on the “Change Button” to insert new image.

4. Click on “Save Changes” below the forms then you will get a notification of the settings saved.

Color Settings Submodule

Here is where you adjust the colours of the available themes of your platform

How to access/adjust the theme colours

To access the colour settings follow these steps:

1. On the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Click on the colour setting located under the general settings

3. Select the colour of which typography or theme you want to adjust.

4. Click on save changes

5. A progress bar will be displayed at the top of the screen to indicate the success of the changes made. 

Typography Settings Submodule

How to adjust the typography settings.

Here's a list of things you can change related to a theme typography

- General font family

- General font-variant

- Header font family

- Header font-variant

If you would like to adjust a text's font type, follow these steps to access the font settings.

1. Login to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Navigate and click on the typography settings

3. Once you made your changes you now click on “save changes”

SEO Settings Submodule

How to set up your SEO configurations.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Settings are the parameters that control how a website appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). These settings can be adjusted to improve a website's ranking in SERPs, and can include factors such as the website's title, meta descriptions, and keywords.

Here are lists of all the operations you can perform under the settings.

- SEO Identity

- Site Meta Author

- Site Meta Tags

- Site Meta Keywords

- Site Meta Description

- OG meta Info

- Og Meta Title

- Og Meta Description

- Site Og Image

To navigate to the SEO setting follow these steps

1. Login to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Click on SEO Settings.

3. Now you can see the necessary fields to adjust then click on save changes.

Payment Settings Submodule

How to setup exchange rates and payment gateways for your platform

Looking forward to setting up your exchange rates and payment gateways across the platform

1. On the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Click on payment settings

3. The following is a list of fields that can be updated in the payment settings:

○ Site Global Currency

○ Currency Symbol Position

○ Default Payment Gateway

○ USD to IDR Exchange Rate

○ USD to INR Exchange Rate

○ USD to NGN Exchange Rate

○ USD to ZAR Exchange Rate

4. After updating the fields you can click on “Update Changes” below the page.

Third-Party API Submodule

How to integrate third-party API

A third-party API is an application programming interface that is developed and maintained by a company or individual other than the one that owns the software or platform that it is being used with.

Here are the lists of third-party API script settings that you can run on the platform you can

- Add Third-Party Api Code

- Add Google Analytics

- Add Google Captcha V3 Site Key

- Add Google Captcha V3 Secret Key

- Add API


1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Click on “Third Party Script”

3. Then you can see the necessary configuration inputs

4. Click on “Update Changes” at the bottom of the page when to save the changes made .

Global Footer Settings Submodule

How to adjust/change global site email settings

If you want to change your business email follow these instructions

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings".

2. Click on email settings.

3. Replace/change the input value on the email settings field and click on Save Changes .

4. Once the changes have been made the success field will appear.

Custom CSS Submodule

In case you want to add a custom CSS styles to reflect to the page

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings."

2. Click on the Custom CSS submodule under the general settings which will redirect you to a different page

3. Once you add your css in the given field click on the “Update Changes” button.

Custom JS Submodule

How to add custom JS to the page.

To add a custom script tag to a page, you can use the following steps:

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard, proceed to the sidebar and select "General Settings."

2. Click on the Custom JS submodule under the general settings which will redirect you to a different page

3. Once you add your JS in the given field click on the “Update Changes” button.

Cache Settings Submodule

How to go the clear cache setting page

If you want to have your temporary memory bank or cache erased

1. On the main vendor page, please select the "General Settings" option, then select "Cache Settings"

2. Here are the lists of the available cache that can be erased.

● Clear Route:cache

● Clear View:Cache

● Clear Config:cache

● Clear event:cache

● Clear all kind of cache


Making Language Changes: Step-by-Step

1. Go to the main vendor’s dashboard

2. Please click on the "Languages" link located in the sidebar.

3. Please click on "Make Changes" in front of the language name to select the language you desire.

4. Please click "Yes, change it" on the pop-up modal to confirm that you would like to make the change.

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