Appearance Settings Module

Appearance Settings Module Documentation

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Last Update setahun yang lalu

Theme management submodule

How to change the theme of your store 

1. Login to the vendor's dashboard, navigate to the sidebar and select "Appearance Settings".

2. Subsequently, one would click on "Theme Management".

3. Please select the theme you would like to use, and then click on the "Select" button to apply the changes.

Menu Management submodule 

Here you can create, edit, and update the content and interactivity of the menu that your customers see when navigating the platform.

Here are the features of menu management

- View all existing menu

- Add new menus

- Edit existing menu contents

- Set default menu

- Delete menus

How to Create/Add New Menus

1. To access the Menu Management page, log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. Click “Menu Management” under Appearance Settings to view your menu items

3. Below the "Add New Menu" heading, you will see a title field where you can enter the menu name you wish to create.

4. Click on “Create Menu”.

How to Manage Menu Contents

1. To access the Menu Management page, log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. To view the list of available menus, click on "Menu Management" under "Appearance Settings."

3. Click on the Button below the action section.

4. Subsequently, you may add or remove any menu contents or items that are appropriate for your menu.

5. To effectuate your changes, please click on the "Add to Menu" button.

6. Upon completion of your changes, please click on the "Update Changes" button to save them.

7. Upon implementation of your changes, you will receive a success notification.

How to set the default menu

1. To access the Menu Management page, log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. To load the list of available menus, click on Menu Management under Appearance Settings.

3. In the "All Menus" table, locate the "Set Default" button on the actions bar and click on it.

4. Upon completion of the changes, a notification of success will appear.

How to view all menu

1. To access the Menu Management page, where all available menus are displayed, log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. Click on Menu Management under Appearance Settings.

How to Delete Menu

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. To load the list of available menus, click on Menu Management under Appearance Settings.

3. In the "All Menus" table, locate the "Bin" button on the actions bar and click on it.

4. A confirmation popup will show Click on “Yes, delete it!”.

5. Upon clicking the button, this success message will be displayed.

Global Footer Submodule

How To Manage/Modify Your Global Footer With widget Builders

The widget builder enables you to personalize your global footer to your preferences. The following footer sections are available for modification:

- The footer widget area

- The footer bottom left widget area

- The footer bottom right widget area

- The footer bottom widget area

- The sidebar widget area

- The blog sidebar widget area

- The shop footer widget area

The widget builder also has a catalogue of all the widgets that you can use to modify the sections above in the “all widgets” column.

The following steps will guide you to the builder:

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. Click on “Widget Builder” under the appearance settings.

3. Log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

4. Click on “Widget Builder” under the appearance settings

5. To modify a section, please click on the drop-down button next to the section name.

6. Select and drag a widget from the "All Widgets" catalogue to the widget section you wish to edit.

7. Please click on the highlighted drop-down menu and enter a title for the widget. Once you have entered a title, please click on the "Save Changes" button.

8. Upon completion of the changes you have made, this notification will appear at the top right corner of the page to inform you of the changes.

404 Setting Submodule

How to Edit The 404 Page

This page is displayed when a client or viewer clicks on a page that cannot be found or no longer exists.

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. Click on the “404 Settings” under the appearance settings

3. The following fields can be edited under the 404 page:

- The page title

- The Button text

- The site logo

4. Once you’re done with your update then you can click on the ”Update settings ” below the input field.

5. Upon clicking the "Update Settings" button, a success notification will appear at the top of the form.

How to change the appearance and text the maintenance page.

If you would like to alter the appearance and update the text of your maintenance page, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Log in to the vendor's dashboard and navigate to the Appearance Settings in the sidebar.

2. In the appearance settings, you can click on the "Maintainance settings" option.”

3. The following are the fields that you can edit in the maintenance:



Maintenance Logo

Maintenance Background Image

4. Once you click on the settings you can now click on the “Update settings” button.

5. Upon clicking the "Update Settings" button, a success notification will appear at the top of the form.

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